Welcome to NigelBarksfield.co.uk EzHitzs Viral Banner Recycler Strategy


Date May, 2021

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Best Banner Exchanges for 2021 from Ezhitzs.com

You can create a Viral Banner Machine for hands-free traffic!

Here's how you can combine four of the best Banner Exchange websites with two of the most powerful Viral Ad Systems out there, to generate endless traffic, leads and commissions - all on full autopilot!

Just register an account at each of the following websites, confirm your email, then log in and grab your referral links. Then follow our easy, ten-minute, set-up procedure outlined below.

#2/ Banner Adz

This is a new banner exchange that has been doing everything right so far - 1:1 exchange ratio, a very generous welcome package and it even gives you credits for promoting your splashpage. We are not seeing big impression numbers just yet, but get in now because it won't take long!

#4/ Buckets of Banners

This exchange will show your ads on thousands of websites, plus you'll earn a percentage of your downlines' impressions. Further, if you do any traffic surfing, you realy need to have your BOB surf page in your rotation - nothing earns banner impressions faster!

The All-important Viral Connection

If you're serious about creating serious, long-term banner impressions automatically, you should connect the following two ultra-viral websites (Ezbannerz,TronBanners) into your banner marketing system.

1/ Add banners for each of the following exchanges (BannerAdBlaster,BannerAdz,ViralBannerAdCo-op,Buckets of Banners) to your EzAdz banner rotator.
2/ Add this campaign banner from EzAdz to the two viral websites (Ezbannerz,TronBanners) below, then:
3/ Include banners for these two (Ezbannerz,TronBanners) in your rotation on the exchanges above (BannerAdBlaster,BannerAdz,ViralBannerAdCo-op,Buckets of Banners).

Your exchanges feed your viral websites, the viral websites feed the exchanges and your system promotes itself!

You will need to prime the system by adding the exchange codes to a few of your pages.

I use a free EzAdz banner rotator to create a single image link I can add EVERYWHERE that offers free banners; that way I can manage it all from EzAdz and I never need to go back to the individual traffic websites. If you're in a hurry, you can grab One Million Banner Impressions here and just let it run.

Once you start consistently feeding impressions into the system, this will start to grow itself. Before you know it, you'll have a viral banner machine showing your banners everywhere, generating new sign-ups and commissions, and driving fresh, visitor traffic to your offers, all totally hands-free!

Take some time to set this up soon! It will deliver better quality traffic and much more of it, than anything else you might be doing right now. And it will keep on delivering traffic long after you stop clicking!

BONUS STRATEGY - please 'copy' this page!

Copy and paste this entire page into a new post on your blog or a new page on your website (this page is an example).

Update the links, so they use your referral IDs for each of the websites, and edit the text as much or as little as you want. Word-for-word is fine by me, as long as you use it!

You can then use your new page URL for any of your promos on EzHitzs for any of the websites on this page. That way you send all interested visitors here first, and instead of maybe getting a single referral, you'll often get multiple sign-ups from each visitor.

Even better, you can tell them to do the same thing, take this page and make it their own - giving them a simple system and all the tools to duplicate your efforts.

Because when they're successful, you're successful, it's pretty simple really!

Want a plug-n-play version of this page?

This is one of the many professional marketing pages you get from EzHitzs traffic machine. Just add these pages to your traffic exchanges or safelist mailouts, and watch EVERYTHING grow - your traffic, your referrals, your commissions.

Also, consider this... I didn't do ANY of the usual tedious traffic work... traffic surfing, reading emails, clicking ads, etc. to get you here, and I certainly didn't pay for any ads.

The fact you are here reading this is proof that EzHitzs' Automated Traffic Systems work perfectly without all that hard work.

So if you're sick of constantly chasing random one-time visitors, and if you'd rather be working on growing your business, make sure you check out EzHitzs while you're here.

EzHitzs Perpetual Traffic Machine

...Ezhitzs.com traffic generation...

[30k YOUR BANNER HERE US$0.50/6 months]

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To advertise here please use the form here to submit your ad copy. The charge is U.S.$2.50 for a 4 line insertion.

Bye for now and peace from Nigel 'Leon' Barksfield.

Nigel 'Leon' Barksfield's EzHitzs Viral Banner Recycler Strategy created 7th May, 2021.

G protected.